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McNae, Marlin and Mackenzie is pleased to endorse the most professional, and renowned literary mentoring program in the industry. Meet our long-time friends, Marc and Elaine Zicree.
Working both together and individually, writer-producer-directors Marc Scott Zicree and Elaine Zicree have sold short stories, best-selling novels, over 100 teleplays, screenplays and pilots to every major studio and network, including landmark stories for such shows as STAR TREK– THE NEXT GENERATION, DEEP SPACE NINE, THE NEW TWILIGHT ZONE, BABYLON 5, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, FOREVER KNIGHT, SLIDERS, LIBERTY’S KIDS, SUPERFRIENDS, HE-MAN, REAL GHOSTBUSTERS and SMURFS.
Their work has been nominated for the American Book Award, Humanitas Prize, Diane Thomas Award, and Hugo and Nebula Awards, and they’ve won the TV Guide Award, prestigious Hamptons Prize and 2011 Rondo and Saturn Awards. Fans of their work include Steve Spielberg, J.J. Abrams, Ray Bradbury, Damon Lindelof, Frank Darabont, Joss Whedon and millions of fans around the world.
The Zicrees have lectured at many colleges, professional conferences and museums in America, Europe and Asia, including USC, UCLA, Stanford and Ithaca. As the Supermentors they have taught thousands of writers, directors, actors and producers, guiding them to successful careers in film, TV and books. Such magazines as WRITTEN BY, SCRIPT and CREATIVE SCREENWRITING have glowingly reported on their classes, and the Writers Store named their DVD on How To Sell a TV Series one of “ten essentials for a screenwriting career.” Beyond this, the Zicrees are founders and for the last nineteen years have run The Table, which has provided resources and a supportive community to thousands of Industry professionals both in Hollywood and around the world. (The documentary on the Table just won the Best Documentary Award at the SoCal Film Festival.)
Zicree’s landmark book The Twilight Zone Companion has been credited with creating the modern genre of books on TV series and inspiring a generation of series creators and filmmakers, including J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof. The Companion was an instant bestseller (over a half million copies to date) and named in 2006 by the New York Times one of “ten science fiction books for the ages,” the only non-fiction book on the list. In addition, Marc is a lauded novelist with the bestselling MAGIC TIME trilogy, published by HarperCollins and Blackstone Audio.

Marc Scott Zicree has written and produced hundreds of hours of TV for most of the major studios and networks, including Paramount, Universal, Disney, Sony/Columbia Tri-Star, MGM, Castle Rock, New Line, CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, WB, UPN, Showtime, PBS, Turner, USA Networks, Syfy, Discovery, Nickelodeon, the BBC, Marvel and NPR. Credits include Star Trek – The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Babylon 5, Friday the 13th – The Series, Smurfs, He-Man, The Real Ghostbusters and many more.
One of Zicree’s recent credits is Star Trek New Voyages “World Enough And Time,” starring George Takei, which Zicree executive produced and directed. Zicree co-wrote the script with Emmy-winner Michael Reaves, which won the TV Guide Award and was nominated for science fiction’s top two prizes, the Hugo and Nebula Awards (you can watch it in its entirety at https://vimeo.com/20932829).
Beyond this, Zicree has been nominated for the American Book Award, Humanitas Prize and Diane Thomas Award, has won the prestigious Hamptons Prize, Rondo and Saturn Awards and was named by the Writers Guild a 2014 WGA Diversity Honoree.
Zicree’s most recent book, co-written with director Guillermo del Toro, is GUILLERMO DEL TORO’S CABINET OF CURIOSITIES for HarperCollins (which debuted at number one in movie books on Amazon at Christmas).
Zicree is currently writing, directing and producing Space Command, an epic science fiction series starring Doug Jones (Pan’s Labyrinth, Falling Skies, The Strain), Christina Moses (Containment), Armin Shimerman (Deep Space Nine, Buffy), Mira Furlan (Babylon 5, Lost), Bill Mumy (Lost In Space, Babylon 5), Robert Picardo (Star Trek Voyager), Faran Tahir (J.J. Abram’s Star Trek, Iron Man), James Hong (blade runner, big trouble in little china) and Mike Harney (Orange is the New Black). He is currently in post on the first two-hour story, Space Command: Redemption, and has just shot one-third of the second, Space Command: Forgiveness, at Space Command Studios in Southern California.
Here’s the trailer from Space Command: Redemption (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9bDvJnrOyI&feature=youtu.be) and two cool videos from Space Command: Forgiveness (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lV_sWK9_LPE&feature=youtu.be and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWkzXixno4Y)
Zicree is regarded as one of the country’s top media experts and has been interviewed by hundreds of newspapers, magazines, and TV and radio shows, including The Today Show, American Masters, All Things Considered, Entertainment Tonight, E! True Hollywood Story, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Variety, New York Times and L.A. Times. Beyond his three-year stint as a commentator on NPR’s Morning Edition he is a regular guest on Coast To Coast, one of the country’s top rated night-time radio shows.

Take one of the six week intensives in Los Angeles, or the teleconference class anywhere in the world!
The six-week Supermentors classes for actors, writers, directors, producers – in fact, anyone in the Industry – are starting in the next few weeks!
SIX WEEK SUPERMENTORS INTENSIVE – Meets from 7pm-10pm in West Hollywood and runs once a week for six weeks.
SIX WEEK ADVANCED INTENSIVE – Limited to ten highly-ambitious students, who have taken the Supermentors Intensive or are successfully established in the Industry & committed to major breakthroughs in their career.Meets from 7pm-10pm in West Hollywood and runs once a week for six weeks.
SIX WEEK SKYPE/TELECONFERENCE CLASS – For anyone, anywhere, especially those not in the Los Angeles area. Limited to only ten students on a live VIDEO SKYPE or teleconference call, with the same great coaching as the in-person Intensive. Classes runs once a week for six weeks. Actual call time will be scheduled to meet students needs.
“Marc Zicree is a superb writer.” RAY BRADBURY
“As a fan of The Twilight Zone Companion I reached out to Mr. Zicree and discussed his work, his vast knowledge and passion for the material. Not only did I find Mr. Zicree to have a sharp eye for detail, but he was also warm, smart and full of innovative ideas… ‘World Enough and Time’ is a testament to Mr. Zicree’s talent and enthusiasm.” J.J. ABRAMS
“Aside from his Hugo Awards and Encyclopedic Knowledge of pretty much every sci-fi and genre story written or broadcast in the last century, I also consider Marc a genuine writing talent. Not to mention, he is an absolute pleasure as a human being, which is no small thing in a writer’s room.” DAMON LINDELOF, co-creator & showrunner Lost, The Leftovers
“Great writer, worlds of experience, completely dedicated, team player, amazing connections, total self-starter. High recommendation!” ROCKNE O’BANNON, creator Farscape, Defiance, Alien Nation, Seaquest
“Marc is an extraordinarily talented writer and director.” BRANNON BRAGA, executive producer 24, Cosmos, Salem
On Star Trek New Voyages “World Enough And Time”:
“Extraordinarily artfully scripted entertainment… I was riveted. I was sitting on a stool in my kitchen, and I cannot move. I was like, this is amazing… It worked tremendously.” JOSS WHEDON
“Wonderfully done and heartbreaking.” MARK FERGUS, writer Iron Man, Children Of Men, Executive Producer The Expanse
“Congratulations on the Nebula and Hugo nominations – they’re richly deserved.” RON MOORE, Executive Producer Battlestar Galactica, Outlander
On the Magic Time trilogy:
“The best new dose of magic to hit the world of fantasy literature in a long time.” ORSON SCOTT CARD
“A great read! Even non-science fiction fans will find themselves caught up in this ambitious and exciting story.” LEONARD MALTIN
“A terrific story featuring powerful, strong characters…a must for fans of post-apocalyptic fiction.” BOOKLIST
“A rare achievement.” CINESCAPE
“Rousing… Most will applaud the upbeat message about humanity’s survival, if without cell phones or TV.” PUBLISHERS WEEKLY
”The conclusion of the trilogy is as spectacular as its predecessors… captivating from page one on… A powerful, intelligent, deeply human, and many times abruptly laugh-out-loud funny wrap-up volume.” BOOKLIST